Female emPOWERED: Winning in Business & Life

2022... Help Me Help You - Christa answers questions LIVE from IG!

Christa Gurka Episode 96

Welcome back to another episode of Female emPOWERED and happy new year! Today I am going to answer some questions that some of our Instagram followers have posted. These questions focus on areas that you could have the most interest in learning this 2022. 
I know that all of us have gone through a lot in the previous year. Some of us have stories of success while some have had ups and downs. I hope this episode will be helpful to you as you start this brand-new year for you and your business.
Let’s talk about…

  • Setting achievable and stretch goals for 2022
  • Setting your prices appropriately for your market
  • The importance of hiring and onboarding the right people in your business
  • Staying consistent with social media posting and content making
  • How to stay positive as you grow your business

Looking for advice and resource to help you market and grow your clinic or client based business? Visit my website or follow me on Instagram!
Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review for the show to help other female fitness and wellness professionals find our podcast!